Thursday, January 15, 2009

..a great start for a brand new year..

Off to a great start. Something to reward myself for the past 2 years I've been slaving my butt in this department. And definitely a treat to myself. Since my hp were in dire need to be change. Period!!!

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin dan limpah kurnia dariNya...Aku akhirnya tukar hp Motorola V3x aku. Bukan aku tak sayang..dan bukannya aku tak senta.. Tp kalau tetiba aku cakap berdegung2, ghupernya phone aku dh blank..itu maknanya apa?? Itu mmg definitely nak kena hentak!!!..

This phone is the one in my wishlist! Last year punya wishlist. Hence I was admiring the phone, when En Zaki bought his Nokia 6600 phone! Read here. At that time, I have the money. But I was holding to buy since I have a lot in my head. A list to do..and to pay..and much more.

But now, I can afford it without too much to think off. Alhamdulillah. Syukur sangat2. Terima kasih Tuhan..kerana memakbulkan doaku ini... Amiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Lagi satu aku trade in my phone and samsung kakak aku. (Dedua phone itu adalah bekas phone adik aku). Sbb my sis dah ada phone baru (courtesy of adik aku gaks). So biler trade in dedua phone tuh, aku hanya add in separuh K sahaja. hehehehhehe Instead of the red one, aku choose seperti di bawah ini. Sebab? Everywhere I go, semua org pakai merah. Aku tak suka sama ngan orang. Aku nak lain. Disebabkan aku nak lain jugak lah, aku kena gi dekat 10 kedai baru ada kaler biru nih... hehehehheheheh

So far...I'm loving it to itsy bitsy!!!!


Lenny said...

cantikkk... aku pon suhkerrr!!.. erm tp rasanyer taun ni nak mintak rantai... or bangle kot masa besday... hp.. takper.. taun depan lah br ganti!

Anonymous said...

waaaa... ini hp baru ko yek... aku pon baru jer tukar phone baru... jeles ngan laki aku tukar pakai E71... (bini dier pon tak nak kalah ler....) aku pon esok tuh gi kedai yang sama (hehehe) pi trade in phone lama ke baru... hahaha... Aku pakai model 5800. Aku ingatkan kita sama... nama XpressMusic jer sama ghupernyer...ghuper nyer lain model... tak per2.. kira phone kita nih adik beradik ler... hehehe...!!


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