Wednesday, June 16, 2010

..di kala aku sedang meroyan..

Di kala aku sedang meroyan.. and this just came in. And I'm happy all over again...

Thank You SITI! You just make my day! I loike it very much!!

Owh and owh.. I was on meroyan mode too yesterday.. when I received gifts from a gud fren of mine... MOON...

Thank you moon so much for the thoughts. May our friendship remains till the end of our time... muahhss.. I lap u sampai kering tau...

p/s: Adakah aku kena meroyan tetiap hari..then ada gift menimpa? Auw auw auw auw auw Receiving parcels 2 days in a row... awesomenesss! Ada ker such word? Lantak la kan.. Today is my day.. nothing can ruin my so called perfect day.. not even a silly little system bitches! Huh ayat tak hengat! Hahahahahahahha


Miss Moon said...

jgn meroyan tetiap hari kang penuh atas meja nko ngan adiah kangggggggg


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