Oh finally, I am happy once again! Hehehehe
Eh minah nih tak happy ker all this while? No lah. Not everyday is a perfect day for us kan? But then I tried to appear as happy as I can be. Eventhough I am not. Honestly, I was not in a good shape for the last 1 month. I’ve been doing a lot of crying most of the time. Sapa yang rapat dengan aku tahu, I don’t do cry. I don’t cry. No matter how sad I am, I’ll not shed a single tear. Coz’ I don’t like the after effect from crying.
So after a month, finally (apart from feeling down and all) I am happy!
Nih semua kerana project our own crib sedang berjalan! It finally happens! After all the obstacles, craps, argument and what not, it finally happen! Syukran ya Allah! Alhamdulillah..
Eventhough it is just an attachment from PIL’s house but still it makes me happy. And what excites me the most is, decorating my babies room!!!!!! My babies tuh bukan la aku nih ngandung. Kome kan suka exaggerate. Aku cakap babies jer kang.. Bertalu2 sms kuar kat hp separuh nyawa aku tuh. Ko ngandung ker? Ko ngandung ker? Ker ngandung ko? Sesak mak nak balas semua miskomunikesyen tuh.
Babies tuh mestilah the DOUBLE AI! My Izzah n Imie. Aku tak sabar nak deco bilik bebudak nih. All this while bebudak tuh walau dah besar panjang, they still sleep in their playpen and located in my room! Serious ok. Bebudak tuh still sleeps in playpen! Helo Fara!? Playpen tuh meant for playing jer ok.. Aku pedulik apa? Playpen tuh aku yg beli ke ko yang beli? Sila kepochi tempat lain.
Since they will be sharing the same room, sebab masih kecik lagik walaupun badan macam budak darjah 1! So I’m planning to blend dark chocolate and royal yellow for the room. Tapi belum finalise lagik. Sebab still kena buat justify here and there. Will update on that later. The kids bed sheets will be Thomas and Princess concept! Tuh pun tak finalize lagik. Ntah2 pakai jer bedsheet aku masak bebudak dulu.. and yes my mom still have it.. Muehehehehe I told kie already that the kids room will be organize and paint by me. Aku yang control! Dah semuanya aku, cost adalah diliable oleh aku juga. Muehehehe
I am planning to do this kind of stripes.. tapi tak tahulah gigih tak kat aku.. source from designdazzle..ada kat my side bar nih.. ;) |
I tell you lah kan. Aku sanggup berhabis untuk anak2. Kalau untuk diri sendiri aku memang berkira sikit. Macam aku nak walk-in-wardrobe, kie kata boleh sebab nak small partition jer.. tapi kena tambah duit sikit jer.. terus aku cancel.. then giler pk macam mana aku nak letak baju bajan ini semua… heheheh Aku barang tak byk.. tapi bajuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu??? Serious banyakkkkkkk! Tapi kenapa baju dalam aku tak byk?
Padahal bilik anak tuh semua aku plan nak tempah color from color machine.. brand JOTUN! Aku nyer bilik and the rest of the crib adalah cap Matex sahaja. Macam lampu, aku mmg beli jer lampu panjang tuh jer.. tapi utk anak2 aku plan nak beli lampu comel yang satu rega lampu tuh leh dapat 10 lampu kalimantang tuh siap ngan housing. Cuma kipas jer aku plan nak beli yang elok jer.. 3 bijik jer nak beli. Tak byk kos.
the curtain also comelicious ok.. i just love it.. source from designdazzle.. |
Moga2 construction berjalan lancar.. Moga2 tidak over budget.. Moga2 kami selesa duduk di our new crib.. InsyaAllah sebelum raya.. kalau pindah dalam bulan posa?? Hah punggah!!!!! Hahahahahaha... byk benda nak beli.. sbb kami hanya ada basic furniture.. Kami tak ada wardrobe tau.. hehehe katil2 anak lagik.. I think that's the 3 things yang kami akan beli..
Doakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan kami yer.. Muahhssss...
p/s: Wahhhhhh ko nih Ijann.. tak sabo2.. aku luku kangg.. will update la on the trip.. aku tgh high ngan pain killer nih.. hehehhe