Thursday, July 1, 2010

..saya 32 tahun hari ini..

I am drooling and craving for this...

ed hardy handbag

ed hardy sunglasses

ed hardy bedsheet..

bedsheet packaging...

Orang lain duk drool over super high end brand.. But being me, I really hooked on Ed Hardy's merchandise. Isn't the bedsheet the cooliest? Giler cung! Being me who have are obsess with bedsheets, i tell you i really want the bedsheet more than the handbag and sunglass..

Saper lah yang kat obersea leh bagi aku quotation pasal rega bedsheet nih..

p/s: Owh yer.. hari nih 1 July.. i'm celebrating my 32 years! A blessed 32 years!.. Thank you for those who smssed and leave comments in my fb.. appreciate it.. muahhss!!!!


Anna Da Lady said...

ouh...selamat hari lahir...May Allah bless u, sis

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

happy birthday bebehhhhhhhh!!!
giler rawk laaa u!
enjoy the day k babe

azdra-azdra said...

anna: tq dear.. aminnnnn

azdra-azdra said...

verde: tq again.. suda 2 kali wish meh.. heheheheh tq tq.. yer i mmg rawk sikit.. tak byk.. tapi mmg cun kan bedsheet itew.. auww..


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