Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Syukur ke hadrat Allah di atas kurnianya. Semoga dilimpah dan diberkati dengan rezeki yang halal.

So far, I am blessed. With a husband and TWO wonderful kids. I like my life very much. Through a lot of difficulties and obstacles. But I have made it so far. Although, there's not much of gift received. But I am blessed with wishes and doa. Thank you. I am blessed indeed...


Lenny said...

happy birthday babe!!!

...$weE+ 666... said...

erkkk aku nak kena wish lagik kat sini ker poms??? brp byk kali mau wish daaa... huhuhu... kena wish tiga puluh kali gak ker??? ahaks!

hepi tiga kupang, dear!
welkam to the klab! hahaha...

Miss Moon said...

fara oooii dah 30 ka umor u ....i ingat u masih 23 thn auuuw gitew muda remaja ....ada apa ngan angka kan janji jiwa sentiasa muda ya daks ...

happy n happy belated birtday ya to a special person like u ...yg mmg bikin happening gitew .


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