I am happy! Seriously I am. Don’t know how to describe it. But somehow I am happy. What more can you ask for. I am blessed with TWO wonderful kid of my own and a husband who is to ego to admit that he loves me. He does love me though. Even though there are times that I feel to kick some sense in him.
I am happy! Seriously I am. Don’t know how to describe it. But somehow I am happy. What more can you ask for. I am blessed with TWO wonderful kid of my own and a husband who is to ego to admit that he loves me. He does love me though. Even though there are times that I feel to kick some sense in him.
We have our differences. But we settle the differences, sooner or later. Like my friend said, that’s why I am fated to be with him. Because he is the one with a temper (so am I, mind you), and I am the one who sooth him. I used my brain maa! Hahahahhahahahah Kalau seorang nak meroyan, tak akan dua-duanya sekali meroyan kan??
I tried to be like my mom. She is my idol in shaping my marriage life. How she handle things, us and my dad temperament. He’s not bad temper but he was strict. The strict was for his children sake and for our future. Kalau tak, kami 5 beradik tak akan jadi orang kan? Alhamdulillah all of us graduated with degrees and diplomas. (Even though cuma aku jerlah yang paling condemn.)

So being like my mom is tough. Quite difficult to remain silence to your husband temperament and being patient about it. Seriously! I’ve tried! Allah knows how I tried! It works for a while, but later you just want to scream some sense into him. But later, I found out that, is not worth it to make you all worked up. If you cannot beat them, joined them or be more sarcastic about it e.g; just smile through the argument or just simplified it. Remember! There are TWO children that need my attention and honestly it takes tones of energy just to make the TWO of them satisfied!
So that’s it! Up and down in marriage tu biasalahkan. Just be the genius one. Because we the woman are granted by Allah with brains to clear up men’s mess! *wink wink* And mind you, the woman also are the genius that fulfill the requirement to organize and handle a household! We ROCK!
So that’s it. Hoping that this feeling will remain till the end of our life.