Aku EL in hari. Seriously! Major headache continues! Madagascar betul! Ingat nak duk kat umah, sleep and relax. But aku duduk depan pc nih. I bring along my work yesterday. Hajat di hati aku nak buat la semalam. Tapi due to the headache, aku stop lalu tido.
Last nite, I was feeling extremely sick, I felt not doing any work termasuklah cooking. But then, aku masak gaks. Sbb aku tetiba rasa nak mkn pergedil daging! Hahahahhahahah Clever kan? Dah sakit-sakit still ada hati nak makan sedap-sedap. Padayappa betul!
And my dearest kie pulak, dia kata masak simple-simple jer. Tak yah susah-susah kan diri. Maksud kata, kalau nak masak ikan, goreng jer. Kalau nak masak sayur, goreng jer. Everything goreng. But knowing me, instead of goreng ikan, aku akan goreng ala-ala masak halia. Goreng sayur, aku buat tomyam. Hahahahhahah lepas tuh, tangan aku bengkak dok sokmo basuh pinggan, basuh kuali bagai. Hahhahahah Lampirstilskin tul!
And now, duduknya aku depan pc ini, adalah untuk menyetelkan kerja-kerja aku itu. Ntahlah.. Lately I’ve been haunted by tones of workload. Since I am the only one left in that unit. Aku dah lama tak rasa tak penat walau sekali pun, every time I reach home. Sampai jer rumah, exhausted to the max! Lesu to be precise. Not that I’m complaining. But doing 3 responsibility aku sorang jer, really absorbing all the energy that I have left for my children.
Nevertheless, aku usaha gaks to be cheerful when I reach home. Try so hard not to snap, when Izzah and Imie meragam. Then tidur tak consistent. Trying so hard to satisfied everyone! Heheheh Lately, the workload are become more and more. Tak tahu mana silapnya. Is like, every time I try to finish it, then out of nowhere there it is on my table, another load.. another crap!
Dengan reports, counter, tones of cheque to be clear and other loads yg digelar lampariyo marti hinggis! Aku baru jer settle cek tuh berpuluh, then datang lagi sedebuk cek utk aku clearkan. BAru jer aku post or fax laporan yang HQ mintak, then ada lagi email and phone call suh aku sediakan pelbagai benda yang aku tak reti nak buat dan tak tahu. Akhirnya aku duk jer tgk pc, browse and surfing the internet. MElawat fp dan blog kengkawan. Put bids on ebay. Then just stare at the ceiling!
Makan pun dah tak tentu arah. Tapi tak juga slim down bahagian bawah nih. Ala-ala jalur lebar aku sekarang nih. Then after drinking a very strong coffee, I come to my senses again. But then, biler otak aku dah tepu, dah tak boleh nak process semua figure-figure yang ada tuh, aku balik stare at the ceiling. Tengok SG PAHANG belakang ofis aku nih lagi baik dari tengok kejer aku yang melambak tak hingat tuh.
Dengan bos yang tak memahami. At least grant la aku dengan allowance ker..apa ker.. Adalah semangat sikit aku nak buat kejer. Tapi aku malas nak minta2. Sendiri mau ingat laaaaaa.. Hakikatnya hidup memang ini macam. Its either you have to brave and strong to face it. And my children are the reason that I can do anything! Even though I was an account student, but honestly there are times that I feel like quiting!

Teringat jer budak berdua tuh, hati berkobar-kobar semangat nak buat kerja. Nothing will hold me back. Not even the ungrateful and unreasonable person tuh. Aku malas nak mention. Kang buat kang dia baca blog aku nih, marti hinggis la akuuu!!! Huhuhuhuhhuhuhu
To Izzah and Imie, thank you for being the solid reason for me not to quit. And thank you for making me feel like a winner. Because of both of you, ummi feel like I can do everything! Ala kejer nih biasalah kan. Just face it with pride and dignity!! Woohooooo