Monday, July 6, 2009
| the name card |
Thursday, July 2, 2009
| introducing... |

For those who knows it earlier...thank you so much for the endless support. You know who you are.. *wink* Eventhough I just officially introduced it today, but the blog has already exist a month ago. hehehehe I've been doing this for fun at first. And not ever thinking to put it online. But a good fren of mine, ym me "fara, why dun u open a blog to promote what u r doing now?". At first, I dun even trust my capability of doing that. I simply do it, mainly because I love doing it. And the fact that, I lived double life.. where in office I was piled up with huge workloads...and at is a therapy just doing it. *smile*
Sekarang nih.. thanks for the endless support from my friend.. thank you again.. I am officially introduced another baby of mine.... simpleribbons. hik hik hik

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
| i am 31! |

i am blessed with the double I and a quite-reasonable-rengus-sometimes penyayang husband.. hehehhehe
blessed with a good life..a good on-off health..
blessed with a family who back me ups tru ups and downs
blessed with something that i longing to do so for a long time
blessed with so many things
thank you ALLAH