Uwaaa..dia suka buat aku mcm nih… Mencinyaa! But I can menci him, since he is so charming when he do this. Eventhough selama bercinta 2 tahun plus kahwin 3 tahun..dah almost 5 years dah, bley dikira dia cakap sayang, love dan lain-lain. I remember receiving the 1st bday gift, which is was a table clock, Hello Kitty Table Clock okkkk!!! Then the next year was a brooch and pout pourri. Biler nak ingat balik, memang kelakar. Walau pun tak mcm aku bagi kat dia, which was an Adidas Watch and a Nokia handphone! Huhuhuhu But the thought that counts!
Dah kahwin, memang sepatah haram wish pun tak ada, inikan pula hadiah. Lepas bersalin kan Izzah, I received Miss “C” handbag, eventhough masa itu aku pesan kat kawan aku kat US tuh, I dun actually know it is really a brand! An exclusive brand that worth thousands kat Mesia nih! Silly me! But yang aku punya tuh is outdated punya, thus the price is reduced!Tremendously! Biler Kie cakap, what do you want? I want a handbag! How much it cost, Kie asked. My fren said it will cost RMxxx. Hmmm..I give u ½ of it, yang lain top up sendiri. Heheheheh tak kisah la labu, as long that you really give me the amount of money. I love you dear.
Then masa aku tgh sakit hati giler kat dia, dia amend dengan member aku seutas gelang emas, which he gave ¾ of the price and the rest tu mcm biasalah aku top up sendiri. Tapi he really is the mysterious one. Januarian nih mmg mcm nih ker?? Marti la weh, aku tak leh nak predict apa yang dia nak buat dan fikir. Huh! Kipas susah mati la..
Selepas baru balik dari Hospital, for stone checkup. Anak-anak kat babysitter and I still on leave.
Me: Yang, nanti kita gi kedai spec. Saya perlu buat spec baru really bad.
Kie: Emm..

..see how red is my eye is??..
Kat optician.
Salesgirl: Kakak mau cari apa??
Me: saya nak buat spec.
Salesgirl: Kita ada promotion sempena CNY.
Me: saya ambil student package bley? Tapi saya bukan student.
Salesgirl: Takper. Takper. Promotion. Bley punya.
Me: How much?
Salesgirl: RM188 including uv protection..bla..bla..
Me: Murah sey! (I was known in the family, kaki ambik frame adik-beradik yang dah tak mau pakai, then aku buat jer lense. And since adik aku tak bawak balik frame hugo the vast dia tuh ke ipoh, so aku buat baru. Terkezutnya, it cost much2 cheaper, to compare buat lense sajer) Oklah saya buat. Biler boley siap?
Salesgirl: After CNY.
Me: Okeh!
(Went in the room, utk eye test. Memang betul pun ada increasing in power. Marti la haku nih, setiap kali beranak, power lain)
Kat umah dalam keadaan yang suam-suam kuku.
Kie: Nah!
Me: Amenda nih?
Kie: Awak nih banyak cakap la. Amik aa!
Me: (Open the plastic, berdebar-debar suit) *speechless*

..shade yang memang padan ngan aku..
Selepas 10 minit, kie dah habis mandi, and aku masih stare at the shade.
Kie: Woi pakai la. Kalau tak padan, leh tukar. Amenda dok usha?
Me: Awak nih serius ker?
Kie: Tak nak ke? Tak nak saya jual balik.
Me: Eh nak laaaaaaaa! Amenda??
Aku?? Senyum sampai ke telinga.. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah, for soften his heart towards me. Doa aku dimakbulkan… and I am greatful..Dan yang paling membuat aku terharu, piggy bank dia dah kosong, dan aku tahu nilai duit yang ada sama rega ngan shade itu...