Giler ramadhan ramadhan nih leh laks ter Linkin Park. Actually I want to story this. I survive 3 days of fasting! Wah itu adalah jangkaan luar biasa yang di accomplish oleh moi. I was healthy last year. And not this year. The doc said I might not be able to fast this Ramadhan due to my sickness. But I prove him wrong bebeh!
Yes.. Hidup mati posa orang tuh bukan terletak pada tangan seorang doktor. Ianya terletak pada Allah s.w.t dan will power seseorang hamba itu. If selected, don't grumble. Bersyukur kerana selected. Sebab bukan semua orang di dunia ini Allah bagi sakit. Setiap sakit itu terdapat hikmahnya yang tersendiri. Aku only realise the hikmah after a year of struggles.
Last year would be my grumpie years. Where all the nonsense seems to happen. Dugaan demi dugaan datang menduga.. And yes I almost break down and not able to wake up. I have been blaming other people.. plant.. animal.. waima si elevator sekalipun.. and never ever muhasabah diri..
But then until certain point, Alhamdulillah.. Somehow I manage to wake up and realise and most of all muhasabah diri.. Berfikir tentang what's the pro and cons. What I have been doing wrong.. You know, sometimes we think that we did nothing wrong.. but truly the problems were create by us.. and yes when the egos struck, we tend to think that we are right.
Pasal sakit plaks.. Alhamdulillah.. even I'm still sick.. tapi bila kita redho.. everything went smoothly.. Like due to my illness doc said I cannot fast continuous day la kan.. Tapi I prove him wrong! Walaupun that means I have to lay on the bed for 2 days straight. hehehe But still I manage to cook for iftar..
Semalam was ok. Tak pening.. tak giddy.. so far so good till today.. Wah semalam was a chaos and hectic for me.. sampai rumah kul 6pm. Then tanpa salin baju terus bersilat kat dapur. Campak2 semua benda sib baik jadik gaks makanan.. Dan licin.. Simple dish.. talapia merah goreng ngan sayur campur...
I thought of buying at PARAM. But Mr Lucky insisted that I cook. Beso laks gambo talapia nih.. hahahahha
Owh do not forget the mixed of lada kecik, kicap, bawang and cuka and salt to taste for acara cicah2.. Terangkat wa cakap lu.. Apa pun tak bleyyy... hahahahaha
Last but not least the sayur campur. Kang tak berkuah laks. Semua kering jer.. I love colors in my food. Tapi janganlah semata2 nak color, habis campak semua coloring dalam food aku. But before nih aku masak, terlebey letak kubis purple tuh.. habis color kuah turut bertukar menjadi purple.. Haiyaaa... Tobat dah nak letak equally banyak kubis purple tuh with other sayur. Yang best nyer confident bagi sayur kuah purple to IL next door.. Ntah apa la di ngumpatnya pun aku tak tahu.. heheheheh